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Mini-Cassia ChroniclesTelling the story of us all

Hermon King – A Voice From The Past



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00;00;07;00 – 00;02;14;00


00;02;15;00 – 00;02;33;08


January 29th, 1972. This is a peek taken at the Herman King home in, about Mrs. MH King. Pioneer residence of Cache County.

00;02;33;11 – 00;02;42;16


Residents. Herman, I wonder if you could tell me, you know where and when your mother was born. You.

00;02;42;18 – 00;02;52;05

Hermon King

Yes. In the going of Buena Vista Colorado, February 24th, 1882. I’ll give you this. Neat. If you wanted to get a good.

00;02;52;07 – 00;03;03;21


So we go ahead and do this work thing that I have a copy of that. When did, was that, well, they married their. Your father and mother married in.

00;03;03;23 – 00;03;05;19

Hermon King

No, they were married in Blackfoot.

00;03;05;22 – 00;03;10;22


Oh, and it came to early 1915. 19.

00;03;10;22 – 00;03;12;26

Hermon King

This was,

00;03;12;29 – 00;03;16;06



00;03;16;08 – 00;03;18;17

Hermon King


00;03;18;19 – 00;03;30;20


And, then your father opened the first store here. And your first store, where was that store located? Permanent representative in,

00;03;30;23 – 00;03;45;04

Hermon King

half of the building that has, Polson. Duryea. Right there. It’s on the north half the other half of the, cafe Ashdown’s cafe.

00;03;45;06 – 00;03;49;06


Allows, what year was it if your father opened the store? You know.

00;03;49;08 – 00;03;51;11

Hermon King

1950, I think 50.

00;03;51;13 – 00;03;56;04


Is it true that the store that your father mother prefers that lived above the store.

00;03;56;06 – 00;03;57;07

Hermon King

Not above, behind.

00;03;57;07 – 00;03;57;20


Behind the.

00;03;57;20 – 00;04;00;12

Hermon King

Store, the one story building. So it could have been a bar.

00;04;00;15 – 00;04;09;25


And they operated it completely by themselves. Is that true? Just that man. Right? I heard there was a bell or something. I know they tried that.

00;04;09;25 – 00;04;16;08

Hermon King

And that was probably right. Except maybe right at Christmas. Believe he had a little extra help. Everybody. Christmas.

00;04;16;10 – 00;04;23;15


Didn’t your father have a bell? If you for your right. I’ve heard something of a bell there. That was.

00;04;23;17 – 00;04;28;13

Hermon King

Well, the problem was to keep me out of the store.

00;04;28;15 – 00;04;39;12


Seems to be. Wasn’t there a picture? Something you showed me once when you were a little boy, and standing in front of the store when you looked at gate between the store and the. You know, there, although I don’t.

00;04;39;12 – 00;04;48;07

Hermon King

Think I was out front, there’s a picture of the artist and myself standing in front of the store some place.

00;04;48;10 – 00;04;55;22


how many children that your father had for for children. Would you mind dangling from the article? The order? Yeah.

00;04;55;22 – 00;05;02;13

Hermon King

So there’s artist and myself, Dorothy and Bertha. Jean.

00;05;02;15 – 00;05;15;14


You were this, second decade working. And were you all the children born here in, early or. You’re born mother? No.

00;05;15;16 – 00;05;25;05

Hermon King

The artist was born in Blackfoot. I was born in Idaho Falls. And then Dorothy and Bertha Jean were born here for.

00;05;25;08 – 00;05;28;19


I’m a little ignorant here. artist. Is that a girl? Artist? Artist?

00;05;28;19 – 00;05;31;09

Hermon King

Yeah, they are artist.

00;05;31;12 – 00;06;17;16


Yeah. School. I have my orders. Here we are. All the children loving now, right? You know, one of the interesting things that, of your mother’s life that I, run across in historical society. One chief equate to us, the museum. some of the work that she had done in research and history and, which we are going to have in our museum, she must have spent hours and hours in, taking clippings of newspapers and, of all the history of the area, I don’t know, how many years were you aware of when she first started on this research?

00;06;17;18 – 00;06;20;21


I understand she did. Others that,

00;06;20;24 – 00;06;31;29

Hermon King

I really don’t know. I think the first thing she really got interested in on the scrapbook was, Lindbergh when it when she died, when he made the flight in 19. What was it, 26 or 7?

00;06;32;05 – 00;06;36;24


These are her scrapbooks on Lindbergh. I’m just one of them. Lindbergh alone works.

00;06;36;24 – 00;06;42;25

Hermon King

He wrote this and that. He started clipping, and, she kept that, I think, up to right up to the very.

00;06;42;25 – 00;06;52;08


End, 1932 was this work? You know, she how many times have.

00;06;52;11 – 00;06;52;29

Hermon King

About 8 or 9.

00;06;52;29 – 00;07;05;28


Eight. Eight. 41. Work alone. Ten. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Oh, those mostly are newspaper clippings. Is that correct? Right, I think well, yes. And then it goes to the trial of the kidnaping and, and the whole.

00;07;06;02 – 00;07;07;05

Hermon King

Anything that came up.

00;07;07;08 – 00;07;09;08


Everything on Lindbergh.

00;07;09;11 – 00;07;10;27

Hermon King

She cooked.

00;07;10;29 – 00;07;35;03


Up. Amazing. Well, that’s even the Holland profile is all in here. It looks like 32. It’s the. She must have had some upside. Newspapers, besides the local papers that she must have pursued for all this research. Because the local papers would not give the information that she’s got. Well, I think all of her family knew she was interested and they sent her clippings.

00;07;35;03 – 00;07;45;29


I mean, we were sending her cooking, you know, all through the years, if we were someplace else and saw something on Instagram, send it to her. But I don’t know whether anybody else.

00;07;46;01 – 00;07;48;10

Hermon King

Well, I think now let’s get over it. You want to see those.

00;07;48;10 – 00;07;53;27


Are all little. Nobody more. We have to go to the 41.

00;07;54;00 – 00;08;13;21

Hermon King

I think 41, 36. This one says 49, of course, not 42 and then, of course, you got out of the news, you know, as time went on. Yeah. Towards the end of the well, there’s 52, 37 beginning of this.

00;08;13;25 – 00;08;47;02


I want to meet the, Atlantic problem as well. Like before she came out that was in the 20s. Wasn’t now this one she had, borrowed and, this was, done for us. Well, now, is this true? Are you said this is going to go to university? oh. probably Idaho College of Idaho. Well, I have all this crap because we haven’t decided what to do with it, but these books are, on his life, and we’re going to give those to the college.

00;08;47;05 – 00;08;52;07

Hermon King

Please save for one of those education. And it is it.

00;08;52;09 – 00;09;16;14


Now, here’s the a clipping on, on his widow, you see, from 69, you know, when she was at her 90th birthday. So she kept this up right? Well, it’s all through the years, and 39, it looks like. Well, she didn’t have the Senate. And here’s his, signature on their card to visit the Senate in 1939. And I would imagine.

00;09;16;14 – 00;09;24;21


And that’s when it started.

00;09;24;23 – 00;09;36;18


What’s really an amazing. And it’s more so, because of what she has already given us, the historical society that have local history and Cache County history. Yeah, that, goes way.

00;09;36;18 – 00;09;48;15

Hermon King

Back. She kept up that 79 year then, you know, for a number of years she clipped everybody that, was in the local paper on that, that some 90s organizations.

00;09;48;18 – 00;10;31;28


And the writers Club, that, compilation of information to go there to the. Is that what the Rotary Club did in the attic and how to get through that was was the so the Houston book. Yeah. And that that group that that in fact there are two copies. one is more complete than another that, they had kept, you know, I suppose one was the was the original, which was paired down to the second, I would imagine, you know, so she had a great respect for history and, for order and, and, she,

00;10;32;00 – 00;10;44;17


Said other things she did, but she went to Albion at that old house. But there was a story that went to 11 or several books on early, Idaho people that she wanted to.

00;10;44;19 – 00;10;46;18

Hermon King

I think that was from that 79, you know.

00;10;46;19 – 00;10;55;14


Yeah. For the some other well, it’s bigger seven others. Those are the ones that came into this area in 1879. Is that what they mean by that?

00;10;55;16 – 00;11;02;27

Hermon King

Well, that was it originally, but hadn’t that sort of, which was not very many of those people around. It was watered down a little bit.

00;11;03;04 – 00;11;11;22


And I was wondering if the society was still going. I don’t know. Yes. Okay. You know, when was that for.

00;11;11;25 – 00;11;13;11

Hermon King

Do you, have you run into them.

00;11;13;13 – 00;11;34;26


Well I, I’ve, I’ve been the daughters of planet Utah pioneers. It’s altogether different. This is another heritage chat rooms and then these and they have a meeting every year up there. They come from all over America, probably. I do know. And they always have. Never before. Never have. Well, you don’t have to. What are you doing now? There’s a oh, several carloads to come back.

00;11;34;26 – 00;11;46;27


But when it was mother, I used to be picked up by somebody in the car. It wouldn’t go off with it. Always refer to it as mother. Oh, yeah? Yeah. You have to wash. Yeah, absolutely. Worked on it.

00;11;47;00 – 00;11;50;05

Hermon King

Well, I think, longer many of know the time.

00;11;50;08 – 00;11;51;03


I the.

00;11;51;05 – 00;11;54;28

Hermon King

Chapter down at the local cemetery.

00;11;55;00 – 00;12;15;22


Well, it’s, I, I knew that, and she was so well versed in history, I, I kind of see now, but, Jen, you said something here about our forbearers. Would you mind, that they come across the plains or. What’s the Hammond? You know what? What is the I was it what I just heard her.

00;12;15;22 – 00;12;40;28

Hermon King

Grandfather left home fairly early. I think you went to Colorado. And then, her mother. I know her grandfather, but her father, my grandfather. And then her mother came out from Iowa and met him in Denver. And they were married in Denver. And then he started working in, he was a saddle, leather saddle maker and horse maker and so forth.

00;12;41;00 – 00;13;07;17

Hermon King

And, he started following the the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad as they went through the mountains. And he made harnesses for all those teams that worked on the right of way. So I have an uncle that was born in Canyon City, which is just as you go into the Rockies there up in trouble. And then my mother was born a couple of years later, they moved on up, up the great, so to speak.

00;13;07;19 – 00;13;41;19

Hermon King

And then a similar I don’t know quite how the thing goes. I think at that point. Then he went to Seattle and he had a harness shop in Seattle, Washington, for about a year. And why he left, I don’t know. But then he went back to Fort Peck, Missouri or Montana for Montana. There was an Indian agency there, and he went to work for the Indian agency and, made, certain amount of stuff, I suppose.

00;13;41;19 – 00;13;48;04

Hermon King

But then he taught the he taught leather making to the Indian Reservation.

00;13;48;06 – 00;13;51;14

Hermon King


00;13;51;17 – 00;14;12;11

Hermon King

From there then he went to Fort Lemhi, which was here in Idaho. And that was about the time that, I think the next year they tried to move those Indians from Lemhi down to Fort Hall, and apparently they had quite a problem. I guess maybe you’ve heard about that. They all went up in the hills and disappeared.

00;14;12;13 – 00;14;36;25

Hermon King

They couldn’t find them left troops left, and then they showed up again with the second theory, I think why they came along, and they picked up the women and children and the older people and said, well, they’re going to move the rest of the world on. That was all right. But then anyway, they moved those Lemhi Indians down the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, and my grandfather transferred down there, and they lived on that reservation.

00;14;36;25 – 00;15;12;22

Hermon King

And my mother is a let’s see, I think she was 2 or 3 years old when they met before, when they got to Fort Hall. And she lived there for the first four or 5 or 6 years of her life on the Indian reservation. We have an apartment in the government building there. Whatever. I don’t know, I think they have an apartment building and they so the the dining room and the commissary type thing, I wasn’t getting this grandfather, her father was doing this and mother were teaching.

00;15;12;24 – 00;15;30;20

Hermon King

And then about 1890 or so, she should have been eight years old and. He, homesteaded some land in Blackfoot. And I think in the next couple of years, sometime they moved on to this homestead.

00;15;30;22 – 00;15;39;22


Or your father’s side reservation. Excuse me, was your father’s side was here the pioneers, Mr. King, if you’re close. But he a pioneer.

00;15;39;25 – 00;16;01;29

Hermon King

Well, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t think so. Particularly. He grew up in Kansas and, came out here in Kansas. It’s, Yeah, but later he probably came out here and started to get. He was in some place in Wyoming. I know there was that, you know, there were no.

00;16;02;02 – 00;16;06;17


It should get some good Arkansas. Well, that was a Blackfoot.

00;16;06;19 – 00;16;11;24


Homestead, you know.

00;16;11;27 – 00;16;37;12

Hermon King

But my father first, he worked in Kansas City. his father died when he was quite young, six years old, I think. And, he went to the eighth grade, and then he had an older sister. And, so he quit school at that point and went to work in Kansas City so that this older sister could go to some teachers college, I can’t remember, I think, teachers college there in Kansas someplace.

00;16;37;15 – 00;17;04;22

Hermon King

And she got a degree so that that she would be self-supporting. She could earn money for herself. And he worked for several different, wholesale companies in Kansas City for a number of years. And then sometime around 1900, I would think, what would he be about 20, 26 or so? Or he went to Colorado one year and worked at some, mining camps, some cool.

00;17;04;26 – 00;17;20;26

Hermon King

I think there’s a coal mining camp there. And he worked in the store that the company had. And then another year he was in Wyoming someplace, because I remember that he was in a fire and he lost everything. He had his truck burned up and just went out the window with it.

00;17;20;29 – 00;17;23;00


How did he have a nightshirt on.

00;17;23;00 – 00;17;52;00

Hermon King

His pants in his hand? No, he was working for somebody, taking care of his pants and shoes. And he had an old trunk that had a lot of things going on. I know that. And so he really lost a lot of the old family things in that. And then, he was back in Colorado another year. And then at some point he came to he was black for the right of a fall to get a move first.

00;17;52;03 – 00;18;07;01

Hermon King

You know, which he went to work for storing them. Blackfoot. And then Idaho Falls. And then they were married in Blackfoot. That 97.

00;18;07;03 – 00;18;10;10


Now your mother was a teacher. What? Yeah, she taught.

00;18;10;12 – 00;18;36;17

Hermon King

Well, she, she was probably to the eighth grade in Blackfoot, and they had no high school at that time. So she went to the Collegiate Institute in Salt Lake, which is now Westminster College. But at that time it was a high school. And she went down there and took her high school. Let’s see what she says. She left at 13, went back to Blackfoot.

00;18;36;20 – 00;19;02;03

Hermon King

Went to the Collegiate in Salt Lake City. She started in 1900 B.C. she would have been 18 years old when she started high school. But of course they went to school around that. But no, she was that old. I mean, just that’s right. But anyways, apparently then she went through, she graduated from high school and at that time that was good enough to go out and teach.

00;19;02;05 – 00;19;26;25

Hermon King

So I got one writer she taught out in a little community called Ridge, which is just out from Blackfoot in the country, some place that would be Blackfoot and Pingree. I don’t know exactly where, but I think it’s probably evaporated at this point. But they had a little, a one room schoolhouse, and she lived around, I think every 2 or 3 weeks with the family, you know, and then maybe made $20 a month.

00;19;26;27 – 00;19;46;22

Hermon King

Besides, she did that one winter and then the next year she had a job teaching second grade in Blackfoot, and she taught second grade in the Blackfoot school system for a couple of years. And that old central grade school was still there, actually,

00;19;46;25 – 00;19;51;14

Hermon King


00;19;51;16 – 00;20;15;04

Hermon King

And my father, in the meantime, was working in, like, a rival for some place. And then when they were married, I. He worked in Idaho Falls for the dry goods store up there, which is a small town. You’ll get out of that. He worked in Blackfoot at one time, or I don’t remember. He was like a store there.

00;20;15;04 – 00;20;35;23

Hermon King

And then he went to Idaho Falls and they were there a couple of years, and I was born here. When I came here, I remember my mother saying that she. You never forget Idaho Falls, because they moved up it six times in two years, something like that. She got a little tired of moving. I think one year before that, they were in Dillon for a winter.

00;20;35;26 – 00;20;36;21


Down in Montana.

00;20;36;25 – 00;21;01;05

Hermon King

In Montana, they worked up there for a year. And then at the end of this period in Idaho Falls. But you went to Portland and worked for a man that put on these pulled out sales, staff reduction, sales, that sort of thing. But, he probably just man, he didn’t care too much for him. He decided to do that.

00;21;01;05 – 00;21;25;22

Hermon King

And he wanted into business for himself. So, I think he left and went to he had a good spot in Huston, California, that he was going to go to, and he went down there and stayed around for 2 or 3 weeks. And, you could never get lined up with the landlord to get the lease for somebody.

00;21;25;25 – 00;21;29;04



00;21;29;06 – 00;21;36;24

Hermon King

In the meantime, I think he heard that the, this little store was for sale. So,

00;21;36;27 – 00;21;37;24


Oh, that was the game.

00;21;37;26 – 00;21;46;05

Hermon King

Yeah, it was game. And so I assume what happened was that he came back to early and, checked up on it and found out the store was for sale.

00;21;46;08 – 00;21;49;12


The bottom was in a variety store.

00;21;49;14 – 00;22;23;15

Hermon King

Now they call it a racket store. You know what? That. Well, I don’t know. I think it was like a variety store. It was quite. It was only, 15ft wide and several feet long. I think they just had a little everything, you know, used to have lots of crockery in the early days. That was really the big items, because everybody coming in here was a new family, you know, they had to get set up and I’m a little bit, on the side of the store was nothing but dishes, substitutions, crockery of all kinds.

00;22;23;18 – 00;22;32;13

Hermon King

but one of my mother claims one of the big disappointments of her life was when my father older and told her that he bought the store in Berkeley when she thought she was going to California.

00;22;32;15 – 00;22;53;05


So you think? Yeah. And a lot of it was like you and I decided to come to Berkeley. tell him, I thought it was so interesting that, you know, dad came quit school and supported the family and sent his sisters to them. And then when this store came up for sale, she loaned him the money.

00;22;53;08 – 00;23;04;15


Or part of the money? Part of the money that he had with this woman thing, that she got her education turned around and helped him get there a lot. Is it not paid off? But they all had a good garden room.

00;23;04;18 – 00;23;16;28

Hermon King

You know, if they want kids. He borrowed $500 from her, and my grandfather worked $500 on a note on to him. And then he had a little insurance money, and that’s where he got started.

00;23;17;01 – 00;23;18;25


What year did your father passed away?

00;23;19;02 – 00;23;24;17

Hermon King

Oh, that’s in 1951.

00;23;24;19 – 00;23;31;06


How many stores did you have at that when your father passed away at that time, can you remember.

00;23;31;08 – 00;23;35;16

Hermon King

Who I was?

00;23;35;18 – 00;23;38;05

Hermon King

15. Who?

00;23;38;07 – 00;23;43;01


I still was going. Yeah. how many stores today?

00;23;43;03 – 00;23;44;04

Hermon King


00;23;44;06 – 00;23;45;25


In two states.

00;23;45;28 – 00;23;48;12

Hermon King

Well, we’re actually in four, right now.

00;23;48;14 – 00;23;50;25


But are other states?

00;23;50;28 – 00;24;01;00

Hermon King

well, mostly Idaho. We have five stores in Utah and one store in Oregon and one in Montana, just over the line from Dillon. For one.

00;24;01;03 – 00;24;16;15


This is probably opposite, maybe recording, but your mother. But what your father, do you believe he would be really surprised at expansion of your firm today and how big your firm. It has his sights set this high before he.

00;24;16;15 – 00;24;39;14

Hermon King

Passed away to surprise. I mean, you know, did pretty well at expanding. You get a good start, just gradually better. You know, you spent a lot of years now it’s for the second store was in 1922. So we spent quite a few years just opening the store every once in a more while. That’s quite a few of our I did, actually.

00;24;39;14 – 00;24;41;01

Hermon King

I think that.

00;24;41;03 – 00;24;52;01


Well, to get back to your mother then we brought it in here too early. And of course, your mother helped, with your your father in the store. She never talked them, did you? Not many times.

00;24;52;02 – 00;24;52;25

Hermon King

Not here.

00;24;52;27 – 00;24;56;06


And she had the family. Too many children to take care of. Children.

00;24;56;08 – 00;25;01;10

Hermon King

I think they lived back in the store for one year. And then the next year, when we moved into a house.

00;25;01;12 – 00;25;02;16


Where was the house located?

00;25;02;16 – 00;25;27;25

Hermon King

On a normal. It was, I don’t know. Many people remember, but there’s an old carpenter. The name of it. Starkey. You never hear anybody talk about him, but he owned, three little houses over there on the corner of normal. And, it was about the 15th street. my folks rented one of his houses. He lived in one.

00;25;27;25 – 00;25;53;20

Hermon King

And then he had two houses during this one house. They’re still there. All three. Them, in fact, he. When he finally died here a while back, I say that maybe 15, 20 years ago, Leonard Salmon was the, I don’t know, some a Leonard was, sort of looked after him, I think the last two years of his life.

00;25;53;20 – 00;25;59;28


And he kind of took over out of the water and. Well, I don’t think there’s any really.

00;26;00;03 – 00;26;17;21

Hermon King

He left that property. And Leonard, or if he had relatives that went to wood anyway, whether it was sort of the one that was looking after you, taken care of by quite a few years, but you just, you know, Bachelor from all those years.

00;26;17;23 – 00;26;26;23


Well, Herman, your brothers and sisters and you were all did you all attend school? Grade school here in Burley?

00;26;26;25 – 00;26;29;11

Hermon King

You know, I’m sure we did that too.

00;26;29;14 – 00;26;32;14


Well, you know, and of course, you.

00;26;32;16 – 00;26;37;15

Hermon King

Older sister would have only been about six.

00;26;37;17 – 00;26;40;26

Hermon King

Yeah. You know, she was only 4 or 5 years old.

00;26;40;26 – 00;26;50;08


So, you know, we all when you were all sleeping. Well, you’re just off the. What did you graduate from? I don’t, I think very well. Then you went to Stanford Digital.

00;26;50;10 – 00;26;52;20

Hermon King

No, I wouldn’t go tell it for two years.

00;26;52;22 – 00;26;56;03


And then Stanford, you know.

00;26;56;06 – 00;27;01;08

Hermon King

Suicide rates and, you know, be over two years school.

00;27;01;11 – 00;27;01;27


It was two.

00;27;01;27 – 00;27;11;29

Hermon King

Years, right? At that time they had the school pharmacy that was the only school for four years. everything else was two years.

00;27;12;01 – 00;27;23;20


Well, both your mother and your father really worked hard his early days, didn’t they? I mean, must have. They had to. And your mother. Right. With your room still hopping in the store?

00;27;23;22 – 00;27;39;03

Hermon King

well, I think when we moved into the house, I don’t think she, we helped quite so much that, you know, it’d be convenient to. But I think maybe if you came down on occasion, you know. But, I wish there was probably a little light work that got done to.

00;27;39;05 – 00;27;43;08


You know, just didn’t really help a lot with keeping or anything.

00;27;43;10 – 00;27;48;19

Hermon King

Well, I actually did at one time, some.

00;27;48;21 – 00;28;14;05


But, your mother, certainly, as years went by, she, she had the teaching certificate and everything. But then, I’m just curious now as her history, I knew that the latter parts, which was must be nice. She traveled considerable throughout this world, traveling that you do anything on accumulating history or anything on her trips that, like she did in more history.

00;28;14;07 – 00;28;48;06

Hermon King

Or as you up pictures, of course, things like that. my father was always interested in geography and, thought he was interested in history. Do you read a lot of history? biography, biographies. You can type that. And they used to, of course, they didn’t get around too much for, because some. Oh, by the time we got to the point where he could travel, he was beginning to get through the old enough that it was a little bit hard to.

00;28;48;09 – 00;28;57;24

Hermon King

But they made a number of trips around the United States. They went 2 or 3 different times, went to California. There’s all here and there.

00;28;57;26 – 00;28;58;17


I’m glad to hear.

00;28;58;17 – 00;29;32;04

Hermon King

That other sort of, I think maybe got a little appetite for traveling from that. And, I think my father’s from Maryland, probably gone, father. You know, from farther afield. I guess that’s what I’m trying to say after he passed away. But then she only could remember exactly what year this was. But she went on this. She went on a trip to the Holy Land that was aboard a ship, which was one of the really nice trips that she took.

00;29;32;06 – 00;29;52;04

Hermon King

It was with the, sponsored by the Christian Herald. Then pulling in and, they got on board the ship and, and they just sailed from court to court, which was really nice. They didn’t have to carry their luggage around or anything, you know, would have a place to sleep on meals that they’d be off the ship maybe once in a while for a day or two.

00;29;52;04 – 00;30;04;01

Hermon King

But they always had a guy who was about to come back to me, and I just that was so much fun. And it was so easy that she thought about travel. I think what a lot of places after that.

00;30;04;04 – 00;30;06;11


He just, you know, travel with her quite a bit.

00;30;06;11 – 00;30;29;23

Hermon King

And she questioned several times about this, this first couple are talking about Mrs. Trudy. Oh, Charles Jones mother was a cabin mate. The two of them went on that trip. They had a good time. They went, you know, to go along the North Africa and into the Holy Land. They were off and spent a few days traveling around the Holy Land.

00;30;29;25 – 00;30;45;12

Hermon King

not denial, but, but, you know, even if they were out all day sightseeing, then they could come back and get on that. They had a good bit. They do every night. They’re going to have to get on board the ship. And I had a pretty nice day and then maybe spend a day traveling to the next port.

00;30;45;12 – 00;30;54;16

Hermon King

Well, it was nothing to do. Sit around and go buy some others, write your diary or something like that. But it’s, it was really, really, really nice.

00;30;54;20 – 00;30;57;14


Just take it very. Oh.

00;30;57;17 – 00;31;02;01

Hermon King

We get scared to them. We’ll look for.

00;31;02;03 – 00;31;05;04


Because she was certainly methodical. Welcome to the family.

00;31;05;11 – 00;31;12;28

Hermon King

Well, I mean, on these trips, looking through the diary on this trip. You know.

00;31;13;00 – 00;31;14;10


It was a keeper record.

00;31;14;12 – 00;31;14;23

Hermon King


00;31;14;23 – 00;31;30;00


This certainly was anything research material first. Well, just a little off the record. Human interest there. How was she? how was she? A good sailor? If you liked the ocean traveler, I think she did.

00;31;30;02 – 00;31;46;29

Hermon King

You know, I mean, I don’t think it bothered her too much to try. She she went on, she went on a trip with, Oh.

00;31;47;01 – 00;32;18;04

Hermon King

She went on a bus trip with Mrs. Gaskell. And the one time they went off to New York and came back, she took a trip to, to a to Europe a couple of different times, and then she went to. Japan. I think that’s what she started doing with Europe.

00;32;18;07 – 00;32;26;20

Hermon King

What you want? What to Japan? I had a good friend, a childhood friend from Blackfoot that went to,

00;32;26;23 – 00;32;35;22


Yeah. Well, this is. Well. What else? Well, I don’t get what you wanted to copy off that.

00;32;35;24 – 00;32;39;15

Hermon King

Oh, okay. Did you find anything of interest there to come out?

00;32;39;18 – 00;32;54;28


I was wondering if I could, most of it I’ve got on tape here, but I was wondering if you. I’m going to. Could I borrow this sheet? Sure. Okay, go. I’ll bring it back. Right. I was noticing, this is also stationarity. I know you’re French. Is that it? Did your mother? Was your mother, by any chance?

00;32;54;28 – 00;32;55;20


Is that new friend.

00;32;55;23 – 00;33;04;12

Hermon King

Know that’s Jean? Oh. She was. She, worked over there. Has worked over there off and on. A couple of years ago, she went over there quite a little bit.

00;33;04;14 – 00;33;05;11


Well, your mother.

00;33;05;13 – 00;33;06;17

Hermon King

Worker for them.

00;33;06;20 – 00;33;17;23


Have done such a busy lady all our life. I was wondering if, did you have any other hobbies besides traveling or, that person was active in church work too.

00;33;17;25 – 00;33;25;22

Hermon King

Right? And she. Of course, you follow the eastern star, the peo. And, She run the Dr..

00;33;25;24 – 00;33;27;22


The Mayflower society.

00;33;27;25 – 00;33;33;20

Hermon King

You know, I don’t think she did. That was just a once every few years being there.

00;33;33;25 – 00;33;35;06


Yeah, she did.

00;33;35;08 – 00;33;51;14

Hermon King

In Reno where my, my sister lives now. Yeah. But I think she did some I can’t remember. She was, What was she for? The da Historia in there or something. So Spalding secretary or something, I don’t know.

00;33;51;17 – 00;33;58;16


The family goes back both to the Mayflower and to the American Revolution. what? I mean, they were take part in Gospels. I they had to be.

00;33;58;22 – 00;34;18;12

Hermon King

I’m not much of a genealogist myself, but I know that she had gone back there somewhere. I got a couple of sisters and I sort of interested, you know, both artists and Virginia working on the genealogy.

00;34;18;14 – 00;34;24;07


what was the last trip, promote your mother took on these travels? This. I could shoot me. I can remember.

00;34;24;07 – 00;34;53;14

Hermon King

What I was thinking. She went to Honolulu. Probably the last time she and Dorothy were over there. spent 2 or 3 weeks. About 3 or 4 years ago, she went on a garden trip, when she was in Honolulu visiting this friend. When they found out about this and, some Japanese garden club in Honolulu was going to have a trip to Japan.

00;34;53;16 – 00;35;26;03

Hermon King

And, so they joined it, the three of them, Dorothy and the mother in this, and Patty Fisher, who was her friend from Blackfoot School over there all these years. And the three of them went with about 25 or 30 Japanese. And, it was quite a trip. It was kind of hard in the way, because they had a pretty heavy schedule, that they got into the Royal Garden of the Imperial Garden in Tokyo, and they stopped at different.

00;35;26;05 – 00;35;54;01

Hermon King

Of course, they stopped at a lot of different gardens around in Japan because that’s what these people are interested in. She has pictures of one place where they have, it was a regular bonsai garden. And, this man had this garden had come down, been inherited for centuries. They had all these little bonsai trees all the way from 2 to 6, 700 years old and dozens, dozens and dozens.

00;35;54;03 – 00;36;02;09

Hermon King

that was it. It looked like it would have been a fascinating place. But they got into quite a few different things that, you know, the ordinary tourist would never see.

00;36;02;12 – 00;36;05;07


Yeah. Just because it’s so well known for their gardens.

00;36;05;14 – 00;36;11;13

Hermon King

Yeah, well, they are they’re terrific gardeners. They’re my sister. They’re.

00;36;11;15 – 00;36;13;17


Well, you know, that was rather curious.

00;36;13;19 – 00;36;15;27

Hermon King

Oh, yeah. She always gardened.

00;36;15;29 – 00;36;18;16


Her roses were quite.

00;36;18;18 – 00;36;21;19

Hermon King

A lot of iris and.

00;36;21;22 – 00;36;22;14


She had a lot.

00;36;22;16 – 00;36;48;01

Hermon King

Of fun until it was. She had quite an iris garden at one time. I don’t know anybody who I would ride with. Lots of. You know, I’d say that was one of her hobbies, but she was like, you know, gardening, particular flower she belonged to the better, you know, who lives in the very. The little homes club that is there, their garden club.

00;36;48;01 – 00;36;49;15

Hermon King

And believe it or not, there is.

00;36;49;15 – 00;36;51;04


But I’m not too sure.

00;36;51;06 – 00;37;01;07

Hermon King

I read gardening cover that was that. Iris? Is that the chapters that would be called the chapter The Better Homes for I really.

00;37;01;07 – 00;37;03;24


I really can’t say that either. But as.

00;37;03;26 – 00;37;04;14

Hermon King

I said.

00;37;04;17 – 00;37;05;24


My my.

00;37;05;27 – 00;37;07;15

Hermon King

Heard about it all my life growing.

00;37;07;15 – 00;37;11;08



00;37;11;11 – 00;37;12;02


So there are many.

00;37;12;02 – 00;37;40;21

Hermon King

Ways you made a lot of friends on this trip. And these Japanese people were just wonderful. And, when they came back to Honolulu, I think when she and Dorothy went over this last time, and then they, of course, had to have a little party and get together with all these people that had been on the tour. And in between the party they had and all the other parties, the all the other people had for everybody to come to, and they were pretty busy.

00;37;40;24 – 00;37;44;01

Hermon King

They had kind of a kind experience.

00;37;44;04 – 00;37;49;18


It looks like, from her life, and she is busy all the time. Right. And she’s doing something either she.

00;37;49;21 – 00;37;53;04

Hermon King

Yeah, I would say that.

00;37;53;07 – 00;38;00;28


To, I can’t remember what year was this Japanese trip. You remember it? Because that’s one of her last trips.

00;38;01;01 – 00;38;09;25

Hermon King

Well, I think it was the next to the last one. I’d say it was about four years ago. 4 or 5 years ago, at the most.

00;38;09;27 – 00;38;14;10


Well, it was.

00;38;14;12 – 00;38;30;05

Hermon King

About 68. I mean, 78. No, 68, 68. It was about to hit man. 68, I think. Must have been about 1968, might have been 67.

00;38;30;07 – 00;38;31;05


00;38;31;07 – 00;39;03;17

Hermon King

I think she had traveled, though. She think she had the knack of enjoying herself. We had a real we had a real nice letter from this Miss Sinclair. You know, the College of Idaho. She she took a trip to Europe one time, and, after mother died, she wrote a letter and she said that, everyone was glad to have mother as a seatmate on this bus tour because she was always enjoying everything that happened.

00;39;03;19 – 00;39;05;08


She had capacity for.

00;39;05;11 – 00;39;29;24

Hermon King

She was never griping about the food or what happened in, or service or the things or being around. No, AC, I thought it should be. She was just there to enjoy yourself. She could see something interesting and everything that happened. And so she was a good a good companion for people. And I think that’s a pretty good picture because she, she had the capacity to enjoy whatever was happening.

00;39;29;27 – 00;39;53;22


she seemed to like people. Yeah. I noticed that the neighbor of hers for many years now, your mother was a remarkable woman. I. You remember very well some of the things that my mother knew. They were what you never wore off, you know, and kept up by her.

00;39;53;24 – 00;40;04;17

Hermon King

Well, you know, she picked up a rock or something. She’s. Pretty soon, she said I can see a face in there. I can I can see clouds or you know, something? almost anything that came along.

00;40;04;17 – 00;40;05;14


Watch you.

00;40;05;17 – 00;40;11;13

Hermon King

Oh, making something out of it. It was interesting.

00;40;11;16 – 00;40;12;12


Yes. Her powers of.

00;40;12;12 – 00;40;13;03

Hermon King


00;40;13;03 – 00;40;27;17


I saw. So I mean, I think it even at the very end of her life there is remarkable because we find people that are younger, that don’t seem to have the joys, things of living. And I know that the last part of her life.

00;40;27;17 – 00;40;28;13

Hermon King

She was in pain.

00;40;28;13 – 00;40;31;29


Quite a bit, wasn’t she? And still didn’t shot or didn’t say anything about.

00;40;31;29 – 00;40;34;21

Hermon King

It, or we just didn’t say anything about it. I can see what.

00;40;34;21 – 00;40;38;27


She was trying to walk and she wondered if it was. It was difficult for the law.

00;40;38;29 – 00;40;39;16

Hermon King

She had a hard.

00;40;39;16 – 00;40;45;18


Time, but and a smile on the face was always a question. But I wonder.

00;40;45;21 – 00;40;48;16

Hermon King


00;40;48;18 – 00;41;18;27


Well, say we had a pleasant time a few times of talking to her. She helped me quite a bit on some of the history I Idaho history here, and I was sitting, I how she did this and I thought it was remarkable of the repeat again what she selected by those of historical society for but all these other that the research team has done, she’s.

00;41;18;29 – 00;41;28;13


That’s one of the things that we need very badly done a lot of this. Can you think of anything else that we missed.

00;41;28;16 – 00;41;30;26

Hermon King

That was pretty hard.

00;41;30;29 – 00;41;48;24


I think I think of you as long as I could hold up, hold forth on a lot of subjects. Well, anything other regarding your mother at all that, I would, could we watch this? Too bad that we can’t quote from her personally, but, we we want to because she’s.

00;41;48;26 – 00;42;10;11

Hermon King

Well, I don’t know. She was always interested in music. I know that was one of the other things. she wasn’t a musician herself, but she she had quite a record collection, you know, and and she, she went through all the different kinds of records from the time they first started out, I think. And I remember we had an old Edison when I was a kid growing up, those old Edison record players, you know.

00;42;10;14 – 00;42;11;09


Yeah, yeah.

00;42;11;12 – 00;42;28;06

Hermon King

We had all the a lot of offers, selections from the opera. A lot of things, you know, good music and, and she had, I know for a long time a record player after another and,

00;42;28;09 – 00;42;44;21

Hermon King

Sort of kept up with the, the changes as we went through 45 to 78. Bye bye, bye bye and everything else. You know, that’s one thing that she really enjoyed.

00;42;44;23 – 00;42;55;03


We know her reading that she did research on, history and people, by any chance, was she interested in poetry? But not all, I think.

00;42;55;07 – 00;43;08;23

Hermon King

I think to some extent she had quite a few volumes of poetry around. You think she ever tried to write any particularly, you know, whether she did.

00;43;08;25 – 00;43;18;23


Oh. That work. Seems like she interested in everything. Almost one. She had just about it. life itself through.

00;43;18;26 – 00;43;23;23

Hermon King

Well, I guess that’s the least you know. Yeah, you did as well.

00;43;23;26 – 00;43;37;11


as I know her, you have a lot of things to do. And I hope that, my wife warned me to be sure and try to ask all the questions so I wouldn’t have to bother you anymore. But, one thing. Well, when did your mother pass away?

00;43;37;13 – 00;43;41;23

Hermon King

Let’s see. What was that? The, last February, 71.

00;43;41;25 – 00;43;42;18


I can say on.

00;43;42;18 – 00;43;44;08

Hermon King

Last February 28th, May.

00;43;44;11 – 00;43;47;13


28th, 1930. Well, thank you very much for your.

00;43;47;13 – 00;43;55;10

Hermon King

Time, Janet. She was just pastor 89th and the really, you know, first thing.

00;43;55;13 – 00;44;12;18


She lived a good life. She certainly did. we certainly appreciate your time here. Thank you very much.



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I'm super passionate about a lot of things. My two great loves are family history and learning. Born and raised in Malta I can say that I'm pretty connected to this area and it's history.